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И надумала Первое в жизни сочинение для IELTS.
Пока оно не проверено, там тьма ошибок. Но мне оно теперь по-своему дорого.

From the ancient times humanity was seeking to possess different tangible assets. When it was cold – fells were needed. Too hot – protection from the sun was making sense. When our ancestry felt hungry they hunted. Sometime after (when primary necessities were supplied) new needs occurred. In my opinion from that moment word “need” boiled over into Demand. Demand of different assets, welfare and conveniences.
Nowadays we can observe variety of examples when soul-searching appears. Car became not just a simple means of transport but the capability to show off. Mobile phone owner – holder of instant communication vehicle – turned into obsessed racer in a rush of so called High Technologies.
Such mania took the place of original human wants, replaced them with artificial sense of satisfaction when individual realizes himself absolutely happy with just buying a simple tangible asset.
Personal qualities are receding into the background now. People don’t contradict that kindness, tendance for others, benevolence and sensibility are really essential at the present day. They cannot score them down as exceptionally vital. Those emotional flings don’t rank as the first scale in gaging member of the modern society. It is easier to judge a man or a woman just having a quick look at his or her mobile phone or stylish clothes, or luxury car. I agree that with every year such escalation strengthens. Perhaps it happens because of enforcing advertising policy, or maybe it is caused by society’s evolution – nobody can give you the right answer. But to my mid it is only us who can prioritize either to have satisfaction from artificial joy or take a delight from being kind with people around.

Я на одну ступеньку ближе к своей цели.

@темы: Лонлон, IELTS